6:00AM Weekdays
I began my exercise program at the age of 27 –out of shape. At a friend’s insistence, I attended her spa and took an exercise class. To be honest, it almost killed me. I ‘m so thankful to God that He enabled me to hang-in-there and make it through four weeks of exercise. What happened? Well, my life was transformed. I started to think more clearly, my mood changed–I became happy. I didn’t suffer from poor self-esteem. I had so much more energy…and on and on I could go. In other words, when I started exercising, I continued long enough to get the addiction and feel all those wonderful feelings God put in our bodies that we experience when we start getting fit!!!
What happened to my body? Well, within weeks my “thunder thighs”, as I called them, started to come right down. Within a few weeks my thighs were in proportion to my shoulders. I no longer had to buy jackets long enough to cover my thighs! Also, I found myself wanting to eat healthy. Before long, I was reading labels and food cravings were a thing of the past.
Let me help you get yourself into better shape. You might want to start with the Beginner Total Body Fitness DVD. As we exercise, I encourage you all the way through, as we strengthen the entire body with low-impact exercises and stretches. For a more advanced program, The Total Body Workout offers a bit more challenging low-impact exercises and stretches.
Please don’t settle for being overweight, out-of-shape or experiencing low self-esteem, let me help you be all that God wants you to be. As we exercise, I share nutrition information, encouragement and spiritual food for the day.
God bless you richly my friend,
Beverly Chesser